May 2018

IDD Newsletter

In this issue:
  • Sustained control of iodine deficiency in Sri Lanka
  • UNICEF: Updating guidance on the monitoring of salt iodization programs and population iodine status
  • Belize takes part in a Caribbean survey of iodine status
  • SIMPLIFY study: universal salt iodization provides sufficient iodine in the first 1,000 days of life
  • Iodine deficiency prevention strategies in South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 2009-2016
  • EUthyroid scientists warn that widespread lack of iodine threatens brain development in children
  • IGN Guide: Estimating the use of iodized salt in industrially processed foods


In Meetings and Announcements:
  • China celebrates USI program’s success on IDD Prevention Day
  • World Salt Symposium, June 19-21
  • Latin American Thyroid Society statement on salt iodization published on World Thyroid Day
  • WHO appoints new Regional Director for EMRO
  • IGN Satellite Meeting at the annual ETA meeting, September 15
  • IGN NC for Panama, Mabel Mas, recognized for her work on improving iodine nutrition.
  • New Lancet Series: Preconception health



Download the May 2018 IDD Newsletter