Linking salt reduction and salt iodization efforts

IGN’s work in Moldova is a comprehensive initiative that focuses on linking salt iodization with reducing the consumption of salt. We aim to increase awareness about the importance of iodized salt in improving health outcomes and reducing iodine deficiency disorders.

Advocacy efforts and technical support from IGN teams successfully led to the adoption of a Government resolution on salt iodization and regulation. This resolution stated that, in order to strengthen measures to prevent iodine deficiency among the population, the way salt is regulated must change.

Iodized salt is now mandatory for the baked goods industry, a significant source of salt in the Moldovan diet, which ensures that a large proportion of the population has access to iodized salt.


Adoption of Government resolution on salt regulation.

Mandatory use of iodized salt in bakery industry.

Linking salt reduction and salt iodization efforts.

Working together through conflict

The war in Ukraine has disrupted transportation of iodized salt to other countries in the region. The Artyomsalt Mines in Donetsk, Ukraine is the largest salt producer in Eastern Europe, covering 95% of salt needs in Ukraine and exporting technical and edible salt to 16 countries. Moldova lacks their own salt production capacity and is critically dependent on iodized salt from this producer. Moldovan salt importers began negotiating with Romanian and Turkish producers to make up for the losses, but prices are likely to rise steeply.

IGN continues to monitor the situation and find solutions to make salt iodization programs sustainable for future generations.

UNICEF Moldova


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