Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Ukraine conflict disrupts supply of iodized salt
While ten countries in the region have successfully maintained adequate iodine status among the general population through the universal use of adequately iodized household salt and by the food and bakery industry, others such as Tajikistan and Ukraine continue to struggle with iodine deficiency, particularly among vulnerable populations.
IGN is working with UNICEF and IGN National Coordinators to advocate for and support Universal Salt Iodization programs in these countries.
IGN contributed to the implementation of a new salt regulation on mandatory use of iodized salt in the bakery industry in Moldova following the Ministry of Health’s request for technical assistance.
The conflict in Ukraine has disrupted transportation of iodized salt to other countries in the region. IGN continues to monitor the situation, working with partners and regional and national coordinators to identify and explore issues that threaten progress on USI.
Check out the iodine status of countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.